Monday, June 6, 2011


So I have to do a VO project.....we went to the zoo this past thurs and our professor gave us an animal to examine...and now we have to create a voice for the dang animal...and I got an animal called OKAPI!!!! I have never even heard of this animal.  And for those of you who have never seen/heard of this animal either click on the link below to check out the me figure out a voice for this animal :/ Dont forget to leave me comments! :)


  1. What a creative assignment... It looks like it wants to say "MOO" like a cow but also "NEY" like a Horse. Perhaps "MOOAY MOOAY!" xD

  2. [What kinds of sounds does an okapi make?
    "Moo", "Bleat", "Chuff". The okapi is usually quiet, but can make sounds. The okapi "chuffs" when greeting each other and sometimes even their zoo-keepers. The young calves "bleat" to their mothers. Some have even made soft "moo" noises!]

    So now you know. What was the question meow?
