Friday, October 14, 2011

Locks of Love-Donation-In Loving Memeory of Holly Castruita

To night is the last night I will have hair that goes down to my lower  back (at least for a while) I will be cutting off 17 inches of my hair to help those in need of it.  I am a little sad but I know there are those out there that need it more than I do.  I am extremely happy to help and I wish that I could do more.  I recently had a childhood friend that pass away due to cancer and I am doing this in honor of her, Holly Castruita. I know she would be happy that I did this, I love her and miss her every day.   9/23/84-5/16/11

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blood Drive!!!!

So Tomorrow is the last day to donate blood at Mt. Sac College so come out and help save a life!  We are competing with Cal Poly Pomona on how much blood we can get donated, so come out and help us out.   They are also giving away prizes for those of you who donate! Make sure you eat breakfast and drink lots of water if you decided to donate.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Morning Climb!!!!

The Morning Climb will be on air live tomorrow starting at 8 a.m so tune in either on or 90.1 if you are in the Walnut area!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Bret Lockett -- I Never Actually Met Kim Kardashian

Personal opinion....I don't think that Bret Lockett is telling the truth what soooo ever. He has yet to show PROOF of any kind of communication with Kim Kardashiam. I personally think he is just doing it to get his 15 min of fame. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. Click her to watch his interview on "Showbiz To Night" and let me know what you all think. Bret Lockett -- I Never Actually Met Kim Kardashian

Monday, June 6, 2011

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!

So for all of you girls who thought u were Ariel when you were little...don't worry you are soooo not alone!  Yesterday I was able to go to Disneyland for FREE but unfortunately I didn't make it to the new Ariel Ride :(  I was super sad because like many of you ladies she was my idol!  I use to pretend to be her when I was little I would emerge out of the water (pool) like she did and I wanted to marry Eric as well! lol   So for those of you who have been on the ride yet or who would love to go but cant afford it,,dont worry here is a site where yo can check  out the whole ride AND you can see Jodi Benson, the voice of Ariel, sing her hit song "Part of your World" in person! Trust me you will love what you see! I did! :D

Car trouble.......

sooooooo after 105,000 miles my Blazer is finally giving me trouble! :( My fuel pump is out and of course it had to do during my last week of classes before finals!  I am now left with no car and now i have to find a car that anyone will lend me..thank god for family thats all I have to say...Now to find out how much this is ganna cost me :/  Click on my link to see what I'm in for....


So I have to do a VO project.....we went to the zoo this past thurs and our professor gave us an animal to examine...and now we have to create a voice for the dang animal...and I got an animal called OKAPI!!!! I have never even heard of this animal.  And for those of you who have never seen/heard of this animal either click on the link below to check out the me figure out a voice for this animal :/ Dont forget to leave me comments! :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Blake Lively: Nude Photos NOT Me!!!

Blake Lively: Nude Photos NOT Me!!!
you all be the judge of these you think they are her? Or is she trying to fool us by saying it's a look alike?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

President Barack Obama, birth video!

Some say Obama is from Africa and he should not be allowed to be President, Trump thinks the only reason Obama got into Harvard is because he is Black!  Well click here to watch the President put Donald Trump in his place by showing his birth certificate and also his Birth video lol
Osama Bin Laden is Finally found and killed!  Thank you to all the hard work that the government did to help find and kill him. Click here to read about his capture.

Friday, April 29, 2011


So it is said that Megan Fox will no longer be apart of the Transformer movies.  So they needed a replacement of course...and who else to pick than a Victoria Secrets model who has never acted a day in her life. Watch the trailer they only show her twice and she doesn't say a word, I wonder if that's because her acting sucks and they are scared it may make people not want to watch it, lol.Click here to watch the Trailer


So it is said that Megan Fox will no longer be apart of the Transformer movies.  So they needed a replacement of course...and who else to pick than a Victoria Secrets model who has never acted a day in her life. Watch the trailer they only show her twice and she doesn't say a word, I wonder if that's because her acting sucks and they are scared it may make people not want to watch it, lol.Click here to watch the Trailer

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Justin Bieber Toothbrush!!!!

Bravado, a global music merchandising company, partnered with Ashtel Dental to launch a line of Jstin Bieber SINGING toothbrushes! Not only toothbrushes though but a whole line of JB oral care! How AMAZING is that! JB will be at your very grasp anytime you want! :) The product won't be ready until summer 2011, but if you would like to pre-order a toothbrush just go to this web site Click Here!

Or if you would also like to sign up for the mailing list to get exclusive updates on this amazing offer then Click Here!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Desert Camping......

Went to Lucerne Valley this past weekend and had so much fun riding quads and sitting by the camp fire. Only bad thing is that we had no showers and no toilets lol but it was still fun haha. We also found a rattle snake that crawled under one of our tents, lucky for us no one was hurt! Sun morning while packing we found a SCORPION! But a dead one as if someone had stepped on him sat nite w/o knowing it!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


all day I have been SNEEZING and it wont STOP! I need some medication!! :(

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Social Network.........

OMG it took me forever but I figured out how to add my Facebook and twitter URL to my blog....I seriously almost threw my computer across the room!!! lol

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mud Run

Okay so Im doing the Irvine Mud Run on April 10, 2011 last week I started running a mile in a half and this week I stepped it up to 2 week Im moving on to 3 miles....the Mud Run is a 3 mile run, so hopefully all this running pays off. :)


Html is sooo confusing! its sooo a different language to me :(

Sunday, March 13, 2011